Transformational Healing & Wisdom – Facilitating Greater Soul Embodiment
I have invested a lifetime studying, gather tools and techniques that empower my clients to create lives that thrive, processes that help create happiness, success, vibrant health, and nourishing relationships. My work is not about “transcending” or whitewashing reality. It’s about embracing what is and creating ways for you to more fully embody your power and your Soul so you become a conscious co-creator of your life.
Sessions typically begin with deep discussions regarding what’s working in your life and what is not. A clear vision and strong intention of what you want to shift and heal as well as what you want to create and manifest in your future determines what happens next.
There is no one formula that fits every person or session. The work unfolds intuitively depending on what will be most helpful, what will give the individual the most powerful results from that session. Each session builds on the previous session. Shamanic healing, mirror work, flower essences, movement, addressing family of origin issues, astrology, tarot, Feng Shui, meditation, shadow work, changing Soul contracts and many other tools may be employed as we go.
Trusting yourself and your process, doing your homework before and after your session, deeply investing in your own life, recovery, and regeneration will all impact the results you achieve. We will work together until you have achieved your goals and dreams, or are on your way and no longer need my help or support. My goal is always for you to grow your wings, soar high, and fly free…